
All the options you can use to configure Nuxt I18n.


  • type: string
  • default: ''

Build-time configuration for Vue I18n options that is used internally by this module. See full documentation at here

Configuration for createI18n() can be passed using a configuration file. By default, the module will scan for a i18n.config{.js,.mjs,.ts} if nothing is specified.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/i18n'],
  i18n: {
    vueI18n: './nuxt-i18n.js' // custom path example

You need to export default with plain object or function.

Export with plain object example:

export default {
  legacy: false,
  locale: 'en',
  messages: {
    en: {
      welcome: 'Welcome'
    fr: {
      welcome: 'Bienvenue'

Export with function example:

import en from '../locales/en.json'
import fr from '../locales/fr.yaml'

// You can use `defineI18nConfig` to get type inferences for options to pass to vue-i18n.
export default defineI18nConfig(() => {
  return {
    legacy: false,
    locale: 'en',
    messages: {
The Vue I18n messages option should be returned by the plain object.That will be pre-compiled in the nuxt i18n module via vue-i18n message-compiler as an executable message in the vue-i18n runtime.


  • type: string | Function
  • default: ''

The fallback base URL to use as a prefix for alternate URLs in hreflang tags. By default VueRouter's base URL will be used and only if that is not available, fallback URL will be used.

Can also be a function (will be passed a Nuxt Context as a parameter) that returns a string. Useful to make base URL dynamic based on request headers.

This property can also be set using runtimeConfig.

It's especially important to set this option when using SEO features, in which case it's required that generated SEO tags use fully-qualified URLs.


  • type: string[] | LocaleObject[]
  • default: []

List of locales supported by your app. Can either be an array of language codes (['en', 'fr', 'es']) or an array of locale objects for more complex configurations:

  { "code": "en", "language": "en-US", "file": "en.js", "dir": "ltr" },
  { "code": "ar", "language": "ar-EG", "file": "ar.js", "dir": "rtl" },
  { "code": "fr", "language": "fr-FR", "file": "fr.js" }

When using an object form, the properties can be:


  • type: string
  • Unique identifier of the locale


  • type: undefined | string
  • Required when using SEO features
  • A language-range used for SEO features and for matching browser locales when using detectBrowserLanguage functionality. Should use the language tag syntax as defined by the IETF's BCP47, for example:
    • 'en' (language subtag for English)
    • 'fr-CA' (language+region subtags for French as used in Canada)
    • 'zh-Hans' (language+script subtags for Chinese written with Simplified script)


  • type: null | string | { path: string; cache: string; }
  • The name of the file. Will be resolved relative to langDir path when loading locale messages from file.


  • type: null | string[] | { path: string; cache: string; }[]
  • The name of the file in which multiple locale messages are defined. Will be resolved relative to langDir path when loading locale messages from file.


  • type: null | 'rtl' | 'ltr' | 'auto'
  • The dir property specifies the direction of the elements and content, value could be 'rtl', 'ltr' or 'auto'.


  • type: null | string
  • The domain name you'd like to use for that locale (including the port if used). This property can also be set using runtimeConfig. This property is required when using differentDomains


  • type: null | string[]
  • An array of domain. This property is required when using multiDomainLocales while one or more of the domains having multiple of the same locales


  • type: null | string[]
  • (optional when using multiDomainLocales)
  • An array of domain for which the locale should be the default locale when using domains.


  • type: null | boolean
  • Set domainDefault to true for each locale that should act as a default locale for the particular domain. This property is required when using differentDomains while one or more of the domains having multiple locales


  • any custom property set on the object will be exposed at runtime. This can be used, for example, to define the language name for the purpose of using it in a language selector on the page.

You can access all the properties of the current locale through the localeProperties property. When using an array of codes, it will only include the code property.


  • type: string
  • default: ltr

The app's default direction. Will only be used when dir is not specified.


  • type: string | null
  • default: null

The app's default locale. Should match the language code of one of the defined locales.

When using prefix_except_default strategy, URLs for locale specified here won't have a prefix. It's recommended to set this to some locale regardless of chosen strategy, as it will be used as a fallback locale when navigating to a non-existent route.


  • type: 'no_prefix' | 'prefix_except_default' | 'prefix' | 'prefix_and_default'
  • default: 'prefix_except_default'

Routes generation strategy. Can be set to one of the following:

  • 'no_prefix': routes won't have a locale prefix
  • 'prefix_except_default': locale prefix added for every locale except default
  • 'prefix': locale prefix added for every locale
  • 'prefix_and_default': locale prefix added for every locale and default


  • type: 'page' | 'config'
  • default: 'page'

Whether custom paths are extracted from page files


  • type: object
  • default: {}

If customRoutes option is disabled with config, the module will look for custom routes in the pages option. Refer to the Routing for usage.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

If true, the locale will not be set when navigating to a new locale. This is useful if you want to wait for the page transition to end before setting the locale yourself using finalizePendingLocaleChange. See more information in Wait for page transition.


  • type: string
  • default: 'default'

Internal suffix added to generated route names for default locale, if strategy is prefix_and_default. You shouldn't need to change this.


  • type: string
  • default: '___'

Internal separator used for generated route names for each locale. You shouldn't need to change this.


  • type: string | { statusCode: number; path: string; } | null
  • default: null

Set to a path to which you want to redirect users accessing the root URL ('/'). Accepts either a string or an object with statusCode and path properties. E.g

  "statusCode": 301,
  "path": "about-us"


  • type: boolean | LazyOptions
  • default: false

See also Lazy-load translations.

Whether the translations should be lazy-loaded. If this is enabled, locales must be an array of objects, each containing a file or files key.

Loading locale messages lazily means that only messages for currently used locale (and for the fallback locale, if different from current locale) will be loaded on page loading.


  • type: string
  • default: locales

A relative path to a directory containing translation files to load. Can be used with or without lazy-loading (the lazy option).

The path is resolved relative to the project restructureDir at the root of a project ('i18n' by default).

Absolute paths will fail in production (eg. '/locales' should be changed into either 'locales' or './locales')


  • type: object | boolean

Enables browser language detection to automatically redirect visitors to their preferred locale as they visit your site for the first time.

See also Browser language detection for a guide.

Note that for better SEO it's recommended to set redirectOn to 'root'.

Set to false to disable.

Supported properties:


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Set to always redirect to the value stored in the cookie, not just on first visit.


  • type: string | null

If none of the locales match the browser's locale, use this one as a fallback.


  • type: string
  • default: 'root'

Supported options:

  • 'all' - detect browser locale on all paths.
  • 'root' (recommended for improved SEO) - only detect the browser locale on the root path ('/') of the site. Only effective when using strategy other than 'no_prefix'.
  • 'no prefix' - a more permissive variant of 'root' that will detect the browser locale on the root path ('/') and also on paths that have no locale prefix (like '/foo'). Only effective when using strategy other than 'no_prefix'.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

If enabled, a cookie is set once the user has been redirected to browser's preferred locale, to prevent subsequent redirects. Set to false to redirect every time.


  • type: string
  • default: 'i18n_redirected'

Cookie name.


  • type: string | null
  • default: null

Set to override the default domain of the cookie. Defaults to the host of the site.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

When true, sets the flags SameSite=None; Secure on the cookie to allow cross-domain use of the cookie (required when app is embedded in an iframe).


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Sets the Secure flag for the cookie.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Set this to true when using different domains for each locale, with this enabled you MUST configure locales as an array of objects, each containing a domain key. Refer to the Different domains for more information.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Set this to true when using different domains with different locales. If enabled, you MUST configure locales as an array of objects, each containing a domains and defaultForDomains key. Refer to the Multi Domain Locales for more information.


  • type: object
  • default: { strictMessage: true, escapeHtml: false }

Configure flags that sets the behavior compilation of locale messages.

Supported properties:


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Strictly check that the locale message does not contain HTML tags. If HTML tags are included, an error is thrown.

If you do not want the error to be thrown, you can work around it by setting it to false. However, this means that the locale message might cause security issues with XSS. In that case, we recommend setting the escapeHtml option to true.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Determine whether to escape HTML tags if they are included in the locale message.

If strictMessage is disabled by setting it to false, we recommend enabling this option.


  • type: object
  • default: { compositionOnly: true, runtimeOnly: false, fullInstall: true, dropMessageCompiler: false }

Configure the bundling optimization for nuxt i18n module.

Supported properties:


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Whether to make vue-i18n API only composition API. By default the legacy API is tree-shaken. For more details, See here

If you would like to use Vue I18n's Legacy API, you must set compositionOnly: false. Note that setting this value will disable Vue I18n Composition API.Note that the Legacy API can also be used in hybrid by setting the Vue I18n option to allowComposition: true in i18n.config, but this is limited. See here for details.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Whether or not to automatically use Vue I18n runtime-only in build.

When you will enable this option, vue-i18n message compiler is not bundled. This means that you will not be able to dynamically retrieve locale messages for use in your application from back-end APIs via fetch, or programmatically compose the locale messages. That is to say, you must be able to fully resolve locale messages at build time.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Whether to install the full set of APIs, components, etc. By default, all of them will be installed. If false is specified, built-in components (<i18n-t>, <i18n-d> and <i18n-n>) and directive (v-t) will not be installed in vue and will be tree-shaken. For more details, See here


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Whether to tree-shake message compiler when bundling.

If you enable this option, you should check that resources in your application are pre-compiled with nuxt i18n module. If you will be loading resources dynamically from the back-end via the API, enabling this option will not work because there is no message compiler.


  • type: string | string[]
  • default: undefined

Specify the locales codes that need to be included, the rest will be removed.

It can be useful if you have one code base (e.g. Nuxt Layers) for several similar projects using different languages.

The value of this option will not be merged with other Nuxt Layers. This option should only be specified in the final project config.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Whether to optimize v-t directive by transforming it's usage into a vue-i18n translation function, this needs to be enabled for projects using the v-t directive with SSR.


Experimental configuration property is an object with the following properties:


  • type: string
  • default: ''
  • Specify the locale detector to be called per request on the server side. You need to specify the filepath where the locale detector is defined.
For more details on how to define the locale detector, see the defineI18nLocaleDetector() API


  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • Changes the way dynamic route parameters are tracked and updated internally, improving language switcher SSR when using the SwitchLocalePathLink component.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • Automatically imports/initializes $t(), $rt(), $d(), $n(), $tm() and $te() functions in <script setup> when used.
This feature relies on Nuxt's Auto-imports and will not work if this has been disabled.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true
  • Generates route types used in composables and configuration, this feature is enabled by default when Nuxt's experimental.typedRoutes is enabled.
This feature relies on Nuxt's experimental.typedRoutes and will not work if this is not enabled.


  • type: false | 'default' | 'all'
    • false - disables type generation
    • 'default' - generate types based on configured defaultLocale
    • 'all' - generate types based on all configured locales
  • default: false
  • Generate vue-i18n and message types used in translation functions and vue-i18n configuration. Can be configured to use the defaultLocale (better performance) or all locales for type generation.


  • type: 'absolute' | 'relative'
    • 'absolute' - locale file and langDir paths contain the full absolute path
    • 'relative' - locale file and langDir paths are converted to be relative to the rootDir
  • default: 'absolute'
  • This changes the generated locale file and langDir paths, these paths are absolute by default in v9 (and lower) and could expose sensitive path information to production.
Changing this will also change the paths in locales returned by useI18n().


  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • Whether to remove non-canonical query parameters from alternate link meta tags


  • type: boolean
  • default: true
  • Hot module replacement for locale message files and vue-i18n configuration in dev mode.
This functionality is only supported for projects using vite.


Configure the i18n custom blocks of SFC.

Supported properties:


  • type: 'json' | 'json5' | 'yaml' | 'yml'
  • default: 'json'
  • Specify the content for all your inlined i18n custom blocks on your SFC. For more details refer to unplugin-vue-i18n documentation

On inlined i18n custom blocks that have specified the lang attribute, the defaultSFCLang is not applied.

For example, with defaultSFCLang: "yaml" or defaultSFCLang: "yml", this custom block:

<i18n lang="yaml">
  hello: Hello
  hello: Hola

Would be equivalent to this:

  hello: Hello
  hello: Hola


  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • Whether to include all i18n custom blocks on your SFC on global scope. For more details refer to unplugin-vue-i18n documentation
beware enabling globalSFCScope: true, all i18n custom blocks in all your SFC will be on global scope.

For example, with globalSFCScope: true, this custom block:

<i18n lang="yaml" global>
  hello: Hello
  hello: Hola

Would be equivalent to this:

<i18n lang="yaml">
  hello: Hello
  hello: Hola

This combines with defaultSFCLang, with defaultSFCLang: "yaml" the following would be equivalent to the previous examples:

  hello: Hello
  hello: Hola


  • type: 'composition' | 'legacy'
  • default: 'composition'

Enforces the type definition of the API style to be used.

  • Set to 'composition', Composition API types provided by Vue I18n and @nuxtjs/i18n are supported,
  • Set to 'legacy', Options API types are supported.
You may need to run nuxi prepare for the generated types to update.


  • type: boolean | 'verbose'
  • default: false

Whether to use @nuxtjs/i18n debug mode. If true or 'verbose', logs will be output to the console, setting this to 'verbose' will also log loaded messages objects.

The purpose of this option is to help identify any problems with @nuxtjs/i18n.You should not enable this option in production as it will negatively impact performance.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Set the plugin as parallel. See nuxt plugin loading strategy.


  • type: string
  • default: 'i18n'

Can be used to configure the directory used to resolve i18n files.