

Extension of Vue.

Extension of Vue

The APIs listed are available in the Options API. They are kept for Nuxt2 to migration from @nuxtjs/i18n. we will be deprecated in the future.


  • Arguments:
    • route (type: Route, default: current route)
  • Returns: string

Returns base name of the passed route (uses the current route by default). The base name of a route is its name without a locale suffix or other metadata added by @nuxtjs/i18n.


  • Arguments:
    • locale: (type: Locale)
  • Returns: string

Returns path of the current route for specified locale.

See also Link localizing


  • Arguments:
    • route (type: string | Location)
    • locale (type: Locale, default: current locale)
  • Returns: string

Returns localized path for the passed route. Uses the current locale by default.

See also Link localizing


  • Arguments:
    • route (type: string | Location)
    • locale (type: Locale, default: current locale)
  • Returns: Route | undefined

Returns localized route for the passed route. Uses the current locale by default.

See also Link localizing


localeHead is renamed from $nuxtI18nHead provided in @nuxtjs/i18n v7.x.
  • Arguments:
    • options: (type: I18nHeadOptions)
  • Returns: I18nHeadMetaInfo

The options object accepts these optional properties:

  • dir (type: boolean) - Adds a dir attribute to the HTML element. Default: false
  • seo (type: boolean | SeoAttributesOptions) - Adds various SEO attributes. Default: false

See also SEO

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