
Custom route paths

nuxt/i18n v7 custom route paths.

In some cases, you might want to translate URLs in addition to having them prefixed with the locale code. There are 2 ways of configuring custom paths for your pages: in-component options or via the module's configuration.

Custom paths are not supported when using the no_prefixstrategy.

In-component options

Add a nuxtI18n.paths property to your page and set your custom paths there:

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    paths: {
      en: '/about-us', // -> accessible at /about-us (no prefix since it's the default locale)
      fr: '/a-propos', // -> accessible at /fr/a-propos
      es: '/sobre' // -> accessible at /es/sobre

To configure a custom path for a dynamic route, you need to put the params in the URI similarly to how you would do it in vue-router.

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    paths: {
      en: '/articles/:name',
      es: '/artículo/:name'

Module's configuration

Make sure you set the parsePages option to false to disable babel parsing and add your custom paths in the pages option:

i18n: {
  parsePages: false,   // Disable babel parsing
  pages: {
    about: {
      en: '/about-us', // -> accessible at /about-us (no prefix since it's the default locale)
      fr: '/a-propos', // -> accessible at /fr/a-propos
      es: '/sobre'     // -> accessible at /es/sobre

Note that each key within the pages object should correspond to the relative file path of the route within your pages/ directory excluding the leading /.

Customized route paths must start with a / and not include the locale prefix.

Example 1

Say you have some nested pages like:

├── _nested/
├──── _route/
├────── index.vue
├────── _.vue

Here's how you would configure these particular pages in the configuration:

i18n: {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    '_nested/_route/index': {
      en: '/mycustompath/:nested/:route?' // Params need to be put back here as you would with vue-router
    '_nested/_route/_': {
      en: '/mycustompath/:nested/*' // * will match the entire route path after /:nested/

Example 2

With the following pages directory:

├── about.vue
├── services/
├──── index.vue
├──── development/
├────── index.vue
├────── app/
├──────── index.vue
├────── website/
├──────── index.vue
├──── coaching/
├────── index.vue

You would need to set up your pages property as follows:

i18n: {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    about: {
      en: '/about',
      fr: '/a-propos',
    'services/index': {
      en: '/services',
      fr: '/offres',
    'services/development/index': {
      en: '/services/development',
      fr: '/offres/developement',
    'services/development/app/index': {
      en: '/services/development/app',
      fr: '/offres/developement/app',
    'services/development/website/index': {
      en: '/services/development/website',
      fr: '/offres/developement/site-web',
    'services/coaching/index': {
      en: '/services/coaching',
      fr: '/offres/formation',

If a custom path is missing for one of the locales, the defaultLocale custom path is used, if set.

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